Before he dies, Moshe gives Yehoshua, his successor, some final words of advice. But some of what he says seems a little strange... (9 minutes) Also, click here for a Dvar Torah for Yom Kippur … [Read more...]
The long running Dvar Torah blog, "Ancient Ideas for the Modern Mind", is now a podcast! Listen as Yosef Segal gives his weekly Dvar Torah and also discusses a variety of Torah topics including Chumash, Hashkafa, and Halacha
Dvar Torah for Rosh Hashanah 5777
Most of us think the main focus of Elul is on Teshuvah and retrospection, but there are other important ideas as well, like developing and appreciating the relationship we have with Hashem. How does this fit with the idea of Teshuvah? We discuss. (11 minutes) … [Read more...]
Dvar Torah for Parshas Ki Savo
When bringing Bikkurim, there are several pesukim we read. What is the meaning behind these pesukim? We discuss the explanation of the Ohr HaChaim. (10 minutes) … [Read more...]
Dvar Torah for Parshas Ki Seitzei (Episode 102)
What is considered a good reason for divorce? Why is it "difficult" for Hashem to make shidduchim? He is all-powerful! (9 minutes) … [Read more...]
Dvar Torah for Parshas Shoftim
Why is the king limited in the amount of wealth he can obtain? Why are the pesukim concerning a king and the Kohanim placed next to each other? Listen to this week's podcast to learn the answers! (10 minutes) … [Read more...]
Welcome to the AIMeM Torah Podcast!
Yosef Segal, the author of Reality Check and the Ancient Ideas for the Modern Mind Dvar Torah blog, introduces the AIMeM Torah Podcast. Listen in to hear Yosef talk about the big plans in store for this new and exciting project. (6 minutes). … [Read more...]
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