Olam Haba is one of the most basic and important tenants of our faith. So how come it's not mentioned once in the entire Torah? (11 minutes) … [Read more...]
The long running Dvar Torah blog, "Ancient Ideas for the Modern Mind", is now a podcast! Listen as Yosef Segal gives his weekly Dvar Torah and also discusses a variety of Torah topics including Chumash, Hashkafa, and Halacha
Dvar Torah for Parshas Behar
Parshas Behar begins with the mitzvah of Shmittah. It seems very similar to our mitzvah of Shabbos, but there's a key difference... (5 minutes) … [Read more...]
Dvar Torah for Parshas Emor
Moshe is commanded to tell Bnei Yisrael about the Moadim, and he did his job. He was instructed to tell the Kohanim the laws pertaining to them and the whole nation learned about it. How come the nation learned about the private laws of the Kohanim? (5 minutes) … [Read more...]
Dvar Torah for Parshas Tazria
There are three types of tzara'as, what do they represent? (6 minutes) … [Read more...]
Dvar Torah for Parshas Shemini
We are introduced to the concept of Kosher in this week's parsha. What is it? Where does it come from? (9 minutes) … [Read more...]
Dvar Torah for Parshas Pekudei
As we end Sefer Shemos, we finally see the construction of the Mishkan. But as the building commences, somethings seem out of place...(8 minutes) … [Read more...]
Dvar Torah for Parshas Vayakhel
We finally arrive at the construction of the Mishkan, and as we mentioned last week, the commandment of Shabbos is told over right at the beginning. But was it actually supposed to be? (6 minutes) … [Read more...]
Dvar Torah for Parshas Ki Sisa
The parsha opens with a series of small topics, including the laws of Shabbos. What does that have to do with the construction of the Mishkan? (7 minutes) … [Read more...]
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