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We have received your email and will get back to you shortly. In the meantime, please check out our site, and visit the blogs for more information about Reality Check, A Handbook of Hashkafa . If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Yosef Segal … [Read more...]
Ancient Ideas For The Modern Mind Since 2010, we have been dedicated to connecting Jews around the world to the ancient ideas and wisdom of the Torah, in the form of a weekly dvar Torah on the parsha. You'll find hundreds of divrei Torah on the weekly Torah portion and holidays. Nation's … [Read more...]
Reality Check is available worldwide! The easiest way to purchase is to contact us directly at, and we will happily fill your order at retail cost! Additionally, visit your local Jewish Bookstore, or purchase it online by visiting Amazon (both print and Kindle version), … [Read more...]
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SITE UNDER CONSTURCTION- Watch this space REALITY CHECK A new extraordinary book explaining the essential and basic beliefs of Judaism. Explore the site to discover the truth of our reality and learn more about Reality Check, The Hashkafa Handbook for the leaders of the next generation By … [Read more...]
Have a question that's been bothering you? Comment about the book? Wondering what should be the next step? Please contact me with your thoughts, comments, criticisms, questions, and suggestions. I’d love to hear from you! … [Read more...]
"From the first page, I was excited. I thought these were great questions and well-articulated." --Yaakov B., 32, Queens, NY "Everything a book needs to be. Easy to read, impossible to forget!"-- N.S., 23, Jerusalem, IL "A great read!"-- Anonymous "A well-researched, illuminating read! A great … [Read more...]